At Pitching Machine Stop, our goal is to provide the most comprehensive information we can so that our customers can get the most out of their equipment. We hope the articles, below, help answer any questions you may have about the products on our website. You'll also find a ton of helpful training articles on our blog.

And, of course, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What is the Best Pitching Machine to Buy?

Although price is always important, there are many other things you need to consider before you purchase a pitching machine. We cover all of the factors in this article, which should help you better determine which pitching machine to buy. (Read More ...)

What is the Best Batting Cage to Buy?

They may all look pretty much the same, but there are definitely differences in batting cages. Learn the types of things you should be looking for so that you get a batting cage that works well in your yard and will last for years to come (Read More ...)

How Accurate Are Pitching Machines?

Occasionally, customers purchase pitching machines with false aspirations in regards to how accurate they think they will be. The fact is, some pitching machines are certainly more accurate than others but you will never find a pitching machine with pinpoint accuracy. (Read More ...)

Heater Batting Cage Guide

Heater Sports makes three different types of batting cages. Learn what the differences are between the Heater Batting Cage types and why you might want to pick one over the other. (Read More ...)

Pitching Machine Balls Guide

Choosing the right pitching machine balls is vital to getting the most you can out of your batting or fielding practice. This article explains the purpose of each kind of ball and why you may want to use one kind versus another. (Read More ...)

Choosing The Right Softball or Baseball Bat

More than anything, being able to hit well affects the level of excitement a young player has for the game of baseball. Often overlooked, choosing the correct baseball bat can make all the difference in the world between whether a hitter succeeds or fails at the plate. (Read More ...)

How to Choose The Right Wooden Bat

With all of the recent regulation concerning metal bats, many people are choosing to go "old school," opting to use a wooden bat. These tips will help you choose the right wood bat and ensure that it is a quality one. (Read More ...)

Pitching Machine & Batting Cage Discount Coupons

Whether you are looking for a batting cage coupon or a pitching machine coupon you're probably going to have a tough time finding one. Here's how you can get real discounts. (Read More ...)

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