No pitching machine is used more by softball leagues worldwide than JUGS softball pitching machines. This JUGS BP1 Softball Pitching Machine is very accurate, throwing consistent strikes, which allows batters to step into the box, confident that they won't get hit by a pitch.
The JUGS BP1 Softball Pitching Machine comes with a shorter set of legs, which provides a very realistic pitch angle. It has a built-in Digital Speed Readout system, which allows you to throw risers, drops and fastballs and quickly choose any speed between 15 and 70 miles per hour. JUGS Sports' patented "Always See The Ball" delivery system helps batters know when the pitch is coming.
Not just a pitching-machine, the JUGS BP1 Softball Machine swivels a full 360 degrees, covering the entire field for defensive drills. It can throw throw grounders, pop-ups, fly balls, and more. It has a non-marking pneumatic tire and is powered by an impressive 1/4 horsepower, 3 amp motor. It is incredibly easy to set up, and thanks to its removable legs, it is portable and can easily fit into the trunk of your car.
The JUGS BP1 softball pitching machine can throw all kinds of different balls - real 11 or 12 inch softballs, dimple balls or lite balls.
The JUGS BP1 Softball Pitching Machine also has a 2-YEAR WARRANTY covering all parts (moving and non-moving) against normal wear and factory defects. It is powered by any standard 110 volt electrical outlet. For complete warranty information, please see our Shipping and Returns page.
NOTE: You can extend your warranty by two or three years by adding a CPS Extended Warranty via the extended warranty drop-down menu above the Add to Cart button. That means you have the option of getting up to a 5 Year Warranty on this pitching machine! |
Please Note: Pitching machine wheels degrade faster with real balls, the seams on real balls cause them not to pitch as accurately and the pressure exerted on real balls causes them to soften up, eventually to the point where their covers get ripped off by pitching machines. The seams on real balls also cause them to pitch inaccurately. Because of that, we recommend buying dimpled pitching machine balls, which last practically forever, pitch more accurately and are much more kind to pitching machine wheels.
Discount JUGS BP1 Softball Pitching Machine Features:
- Slow pitch and fast pitch pitching machine
- Throws 11" and 12" softballs from 15 to 70 MPH
- Throws fastballs, risers and drops
- Digital Speed Setting
- Low to the ground legs simulate softball pitcher's trajectory
- Includes one feeder chute - 11" or 12"
- 360-degree swivel base makes it perfect for defensive drills (grounders, pop-ups, fly balls, line drives, etc.)
- Powered by a 1/4 horsepower motor
- Works with real 11" or 12" softballs, dimple balls, and lite balls
- Runs on standard 110 volt electricity
- Weight: 75 lbs
- Covered by JUGS 2-YEAR manufacturers warranty
- Recommended for ages 8-15
Check out the manufacturer's video of the JUGS BP1 Softball Machine, below: