Hitting Drills For Proper Body Position
Dan Blewett provides three easy hitting drills that help players get into the proper hitting position before they swing.
Sneak Peek - Hitting Lessons and Drills
Sneak peek inside various hitting lessons and drills provided by Matt Antonelli as he tries to improve one aspect of each hitter's game.
Back Leg - The Key to a Balanced Swing
Chas Pippitt from Baseball Rebellion says that the position of your back leg is the key in maintaining a balanced swing.
Simple Tip to Be a Better Hitter
Matt Antonelli offers this simple tip if you want to be a better hitter ... "If you want to hit often, you need to hit often."
What Separates Good from GREAT Hitters?
Matt Antonelli says that the things that separate good from GREAT hitters are preparation, visualization and mindset.
Increase Your Bat Speed with a Slower Stride
Chas Pippitt from Baseball Rebellion instructs a hitter, stating that a slower stride will result in a faster turn (and more bat speed).
Fix Your Posture, Fix Your Bat Path
Matt Antonelli demonstrates how your posture affects your bat path and the best posture for better hitting.
Should You Swing as Hard as You Can?
Should you swing as hard as you possibly can? Baseball Rebellion provides the answer ...
Simple Drill to Prevent Casting Your Bat
Matt Antonelli provides a simple and effective drill to prevent casting your bat when you swing.
Having Trouble Pulling the Ball? Try This Tip!
If you are having trouble pulling the ball, try this drill from Baseball Rebellion.
Simple Tip For More Bat Speed
Matt Antonelli says the key to more bat speed is getting all of your body parts to fire in the right order, particularly getting the upper half going back while the lower half moves forward, creating a tight coil. He provides a simple tip for making that happen.
How to Use a Batting Tee the Right Way
Dan Blewett provides an incredibly comprehensive video on how to use a batting tee effectively to improve your hitting and mechanics.
How to Make a Heavy Bat Lighter
Making an otherwise heavy bat lighter and moving the sweet spot closer to the center can be a big deal for any hitter who is slightly late. Matt Antonelli provides a super easy way to do that with any bat.
Fixing a Swing with a Simple Mental Cue
Matt Antonelli fixes his son's swing remotely mid-game with a mental cue. Something similar might work for you, too!
Keys to Hitting Off-Speed Pitches
Matt Antonelli demonstrates how holding your coil for as long as possible makes it possible to react to and hit off speed pitches solidly.
Hitters - Stop Stepping in the Bucket Drills
Hitters - Improve Your Timing With This Load Transfer Drill
Matt Antonelli explains why your load and weight transfer are the key to improving your timing as a hitter
Hitters - Fix Your Timing By Fixing Your Load and Bat Path
Should You Automatically Take a Pitch When a Pitcher is Struggling?
Dan Blewett discusses whether or not you should automatically take a pitch when a pitcher is struggling to find the strike zone.
Visualization - The Key to Successful At-Bats
Matt Antonelli discusses visualization and why it is so important for successful hitting.
How to Get Better at Hitting Off-Speed Pitches
Matt Antonelli outlines the two things you have to do in order to get better at hitting off-speed pitches (changeups, breaking balls).